exciting career opportunities in cloud computing

5 Exciting Career Opportunities in Cloud Computing for Freshers

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For freshers, 5 exciting career opportunities in cloud computing

exciting career opportunities in cloud computing


Delivering computer services, including storage, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, via the internet (the cloud) is the subject of the field of cloud computing. It makes it possible for organisations and people to use these services on demand without having to maintain their own infrastructure.

There are many job opportunities in the field of cloud computing for freshers as well as experienced professionals, as the demand for skilled professionals in this area is very high. Here are a few cloud computing careers that could be available to new graduates:

  1. Cloud engineer: A cloud engineer is in charge of planning, constructing, and managing systems for cloud computing. They may work with various cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Cloud developer: A cloud developer creates programmes that work with cloud computing infrastructure. They may work with a variety of programming languages and frameworks, such as Python, Java, or Ruby on Rails.
  3. Cloud security specialist: A cloud security specialist is in charge of securing sensitive data stored in the cloud and ensuring the security of cloud computing platforms. To safeguard cloud-based systems, they may use security techniques such as firewalls and encryption.
  4. Cloud data engineer: A cloud data engineer is in charge of developing and implementing data pipelines to transfer and transform data in the cloud. To handle and analyse data at scale, they may use big data technologies such as Hadoop and Spark.
  5. Cloud solutions architect: A cloud solutions architect is responsible for designing and implementing cloud computing solutions for organizations. They collaborate with clients to understand their requirements and provide customised cloud-based solutions to satisfy those requirements.


Freshers often require a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a discipline such as computer science, engineering, or information technology to qualify for these positions. In addition, some employers may require certifications in cloud technologies, such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect or Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate.

You will be responsible for designing, implementing, and managing cloud computing systems as a cloud engineer. This covers tasks like:

Selecting the best cloud platform for a company’s needs, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform,

Setting up and configuring cloud infrastructure, including compute storage and networking resources.

Deploying and managing applications in the cloud.

Upkeep and optimisation of cloud systems to maintain their performance and dependability.

Troubleshooting and fixing problems with cloud systems

Designing and implementing cloud-based solutions in collaboration with other IT experts.
Keeping up with the newest cloud technology advances and best practises
Strong technical abilities, such as an understanding of programming languages, networking, and system administration, are required for success as a cloud engineer.

You should also be able to work well in groups and have strong problem-solving abilities. A cloud platform experience, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, is frequently requested.

AVERAGE SALARY IN INDIA– The average salary for a cloud engineer in India varies based on a number of factors, including the company you work for, your level of experience, and your education and certifications. According to data from Glassdoor, the average salary for a cloud engineer in India is approximately INR 9,00,000 per year.

However, depending on the precise position and location of the employment, this figure might vary greatly.

A cloud engineer with several years of experience and proper credentials, for example, may earn a greater income than a newer engineer with less experience. Similarly, a cloud engineer employed by a major global enterprise may receive a higher salary than one employed by a smaller firm.

Salary is only one component of a job and should be examined with other aspects such as business culture, work environment, and prospects for growth and progress.

, this number can vary significantly depending on the specific role and the location of the job.

What is the scope of cloud computing in 2023-25 in India?

The scope of cloud computing in India is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

The cloud computing industry in India is predicted to reach $7.5 billion by 2025, rising at a compound annual growth rate of 28%, according to research by the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM).

Several factors are propelling the rise of cloud computing in India. One important aspect is the growing use of cloud computing by enterprises of all sizes. Companies are progressively shifting their operations to the cloud to benefit from the scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency it provides. This pattern is projected to continue in the next few years, increasing demand for experienced people in the industry.

Furthermore, as part of its Digital India plan, the Indian government has been encouraging the use of cloud computing. This has resulted in more possibilities for public-sector cloud computing workers.

Overall, the forecast for cloud computing in India is highly favourable, and talented individuals in this industry are anticipated to be in high demand in the coming years.


As a cloud developer, you will be in charge of developing apps that will operate on cloud computing platforms. This covers tasks like:

Creating cloud-based apps with programming languages such as Python, Java, or Ruby

Creating and managing cloud-based software systems with frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Spring, and Django
Using cloud-based apps to integrate with other systems and tools

Designing and implementing cloud-based solutions in collaboration with other IT experts.

Keeping up with the newest cloud technology advances and best practises

Strong programming abilities and familiarity with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform are required for success as a cloud developer. You should also be able to work well in a team and have strong communication and problem-solving skills.

Cloud developers typically work in various industries, including software development, e-commerce, finance, and healthcare. They may work for large multinational corporations, small startups, or as freelancers. The demand for skilled cloud developers is high, and the field is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.


The typical compensation for a cloud developer in India varies depending on a variety of criteria, such as the firm for which you work, your degree of expertise, and your education and certifications. According to Glassdoor statistics, the average income for a cloud developer in India is around INR 7,00,000 per year. However, depending on the precise position and location of the employment, this figure might vary greatly.

A cloud developer with several years of experience and proper credentials, for example, may earn a greater income than a newcomer with less expertise. Similarly, a cloud developer employed by a major global enterprise may receive a larger income than one employed by a smaller firm.

Salary is only one component of a job and should be examined with other aspects such as business culture, work environment, and prospects for growth and progress.


The scope of cloud development in India is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. As more businesses adopt cloud computing to take advantage of its scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, there will be a strong demand for skilled professionals who can build and maintain cloud-based applications.

The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) estimates that the Indian cloud computing industry will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 28% and reach $7.5 billion by 2025. Additional possibilities for cloud developers are projected to arise as a result of this expansion in a number of sectors, including software development, e-commerce, banking, and healthcare.

Additionally, as part of its Digital India project, the Indian government has promoted the use of cloud computing. As a result, the public sector now offers more prospects for cloud developers.

Overall, the outlook for cloud development in India is very positive, and there is likely to be a strong demand for skilled professionals in this field in the coming years.


As a cloud security specialist, you will be responsible for ensuring the security of cloud computing systems and protecting sensitive data stored in the cloud. This includes tasks such as:

identifying and evaluating the security threats associated with cloud-based systems.

identifying and evaluating the security threats associated with cloud-based systems.

establishing and putting into practise security mechanisms, such as access restrictions, firewalls, and encryption, to safeguard data stored in the cloud.

To ensure the continuous security of cloud-based systems, monitoring and maintaining security measures are necessary.

investigating security problems and breaches and taking action.

keeping abreast of advancements in best practises and cloud security technology.

You need to be well-versed in security concepts and technologies, as well as have expertise working with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, to succeed as a cloud security professional. Additionally, you should be able to solve problems effectively and work well as a team.

Cloud security professionals are commonly found in businesses such as banking, healthcare, and government. They may work for major global organisations, tiny startups, or as independent contractors. Cloud security professionals are in great demand, and the area is anticipated to expand more in the future years.


The typical income for a cloud security specialist in India varies depending on a variety of criteria, such as the firm for which you work, your degree of experience, and your education and certifications. According to Glassdoor statistics, the typical annual income for a cloud security professional in India is around INR 10,00,000. However, depending on the precise position and location of the employment, this figure might vary greatly.

A cloud security professional with several years of experience and the necessary qualifications, for example, may earn a greater income than a newcomer with less experience. Similarly, a cloud security professional working for a major international organisation may receive a larger income than one working for a smaller company.

It is crucial to note that income is only one facet of a job and should be examined alongside other aspects such as business culture, work environment, and prospects for growth and progress.


Cloud security in India is projected to expand in the next few years. As more organisations use cloud computing to benefit from its scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, there will be a high need for trained experts who can assure the security of cloud-based systems and secure sensitive data stored in the cloud.

According to NASSCOM, the cloud computing industry in India is estimated to reach $7.5 billion by 2025, increasing at a compound annual growth rate of 28%. This expansion is anticipated to provide more opportunities for cloud security professionals across a wide range of industries, including banking, healthcare, and government.

Furthermore, the Indian government has been encouraging

the adoption of cloud computing as part of its Digital India initiative. This has created additional opportunities for cloud security specialists in the public sector.

Overall, the outlook for cloud security in India is very positive, and there is likely to be a strong demand for skilled professionals in this field in the coming years.


A cloud data engineer is a specialist in the design, construction, and maintenance of data pipelines that enable organisations to transfer and manipulate data on the cloud. Working with a number of big data technologies, such as Hadoop and Spark, to process and analyse data at scale is part of this.

A cloud data engineer’s specific tasks and responsibilities may include:

Creating data pipelines with cloud-based tools and technologies like Apache Beam, Apache Flink, and Google Cloud Data Fusion

Understanding data needs and requirements through collaboration with data engineers, data scientists, and other stakeholders

Setting up and configuring data storage and processing systems in the cloud, such as data lakes, data warehouses, and Hadoop clusters

Ensuring data pipelines are efficient, scalable, and secure

Putting in place data governance and security procedures to safeguard sensitive data

Debugging and resolving data pipeline difficulties

Providing technical assistance and direction to other team members on data-related problems

A cloud data engineer’s work is critical for organisations that rely on data to make educated business choices. They are in charge of creating and managing the systems that enable organisations to gather, process, and analyse data from many sources.


Again, It is impossible to provide an exact estimate of the typical income of a fresher cloud data engineer in India since there are numerous elements that might impact salary, such as an individual’s degree of education, past experience, skills, and knowledge, and the specific sector and organisation for which they work.

According to Glassdoor, the average income for a data engineer in India is around INR 7,30,000 per year. However, this amount might vary greatly based on the position’s precise job and duties, as well as the company’s location, sector, and size.

It is also worth mentioning that experience and talents may have a big influence on income.

It is worth noting that experience and skills can also have a significant impact on salary. Data engineers with more experience or specialized skills may be able to command higher salaries, while those with less experience or fewer skills may be offered lower salaries.

In general, it is important to keep in mind that salary is just one factor to consider when evaluating job opportunities. Other factors such as work-life balance, job satisfaction, career advancement opportunities, and company culture can also be important considerations. If one asks me which should be the most important criteria for evaluation, I will prefer career advancement opportunities hands down……

Scope of Cloud Data engineers in 2023-25-

The demand for cloud data engineers is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as organizations increasingly rely on data to drive their business decisions and operations. According to a report from Gartner, the global cloud computing market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 17% between 2020 and 2025. This growth is likely to drive increased demand for professionals with expertise in cloud data engineering.

Cloud data engineers are projected to be in high demand in India as more organisations adopt cloud-based solutions and technology. Cloud computing usage in India is being pushed by reasons such as the increased availability of high-speed internet, the proliferation of low-cost devices, and the government’s push for digital transformation.

Overall, the scope for cloud data engineers in India is projected to be quite excellent in the next years, as organisations continue to invest in data-driven strategies and technology. Professionals with skills in cloud data engineering are likely to find a number of career possibilities in a variety of companies and sectors.t few


A cloud solutions architect is a professional who is responsible for designing and implementing cloud computing solutions for organizations. This includes working with clients to understand their needs and developing customized cloud-based solutions that meet those needs.

Some specific tasks and responsibilities of a cloud solutions architect might include:

Working with clients to understand their business needs and requirements for cloud computing

Designing and implementing cloud-based solutions that meet those needs, including selecting the appropriate cloud platform and tools

Collaborating with other technical teams to ensure that the cloud-based solution is integrated with existing systems and processes

Developing and maintaining documentation related to the cloud-based solution, including architectural diagrams and technical specifications

Providing guidance and training to other team members on cloud-related issues

Monitoring the performance and availability of the cloud-based solution, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise

Staying up-to-date on the latest cloud technologies and best practices, and incorporating those into the design and implementation of cloud-based solutions

Overall, the role of a cloud solutions architect is crucial for organizations that are looking to adopt cloud-based solutions. They are responsible for designing and implementing the systems that allow organizations to effectively leverage the power of the cloud to meet their business needs.


The average salary of a cloud solution architect in India can vary widely depending on a number of factors, such as an individual’s level of education, experience, skills and expertise, and the specific industry and company they work for.

According to data from Glassdoor, the average salary for a cloud solution architect in India is approximately INR 20,00,000 per year. However, this number can vary widely depending on the specific role and responsibilities of the position, as well as the location, industry, and size of the company.

It is worth noting that experience and skills can also have a significant impact on salary. Cloud solution architects with more experience or specialized skills may be able to command higher salaries, while those with less experience or fewer skills may be offered lower salaries.

In general, it is important to keep in mind that salary is just one factor to consider when evaluating job opportunities. Other factors such as work-life balance, job satisfaction, career advancement opportunities, and company culture can also be important considerations.


The career progression for a cloud solution architect can vary depending on an individual’s goals, skills, and the specific industry and company they work for. However, there are generally a few common career paths that cloud solution architects may pursue as they progress in their careers.

Some potential career progression paths for cloud solution architects might include:

Advancing to more senior roles within the organization, such as a lead cloud solution architect or a director of cloud computing

Specializing in a particular area of cloud computing, such as security, infrastructure, or data management

Transitioning to a related role, such as a cloud data engineer or a cloud security architect

Starting their own consulting firm or becoming an independent contractor

Pursuing additional education or certifications to expand their skills and expertise

Overall, the career progression for a cloud solution architect can be highly dependent on an individual’s goals and interests, as well as the opportunities available within their organization and the broader job market. Some cloud solution architects may choose to focus on advancing within their current organization, while others may choose to explore new opportunities or pursue different career paths.


The demand for cloud solution architects is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as organizations increasingly adopt cloud-based solutions and technologies. According to a report from Gartner, the global cloud computing market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 17% between 2020 and 2025. This growth is likely to drive increased demand for professionals with expertise in cloud solution architecture. Exciting career opportunities in cloud computing are knocking on our door. The time has come to explore this further.

In India specifically, the demand for cloud solution architects is expected to continue to grow as more organizations adopt cloud-based solutions and technologies. The growing adoption of cloud computing in India is being driven by factors such as the increasing availability of high-speed internet, the proliferation of low-cost devices, and the government’s push for digital transformation.

Overall, the scope for cloud solution architects in India is expected to be very good in the coming years, as organizations continue to invest in data-driven strategies and technologies. Professionals with expertise in cloud solution architecture are likely to have a range of job opportunities available to them, across a variety of industries and sectors.

To conclude– Thus it shows that exciting career opportunities in cloud computing exist in India. There are many job opportunities for freshers in the field of cloud computing. These roles can involve providing technical support, selling cloud products and services, designing and building cloud-based applications and services, managing and maintaining cloud infrastructure, and implementing and maintaining security measures for cloud systems. In order to pursue a career in cloud computing, it is important to have a strong foundation in computer science and networking and consider obtaining relevant certifications.

Many companies also look for candidates with specific certifications, such as the AWS Certified Solutions Architect or the Microsoft Azure Developer Associate. If you are serious about a career in clouds then my suggestion is to go for international professional certification.

How a fresh engineer can build his or her career in cloud technologies? illustrate with year-by-year growth.

There are many ways that a fresh engineer can build a career in cloud technologies. One possible path might involve the following steps:

  1. First-year:
  • Learn the basics of cloud computing and how it differs from traditional IT infrastructure. This could involve taking online courses or earning a certification such as the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
  • Gain practical experience by building small projects or working on a team that uses cloud technologies. This could involve setting up a virtual machine on a cloud platform, deploying a simple application, or automating tasks using cloud tools.
  1. Second year:
  • Deepen your knowledge of specific cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. This could involve earning additional certifications or taking more advanced courses.
  • Start working on larger, more complex projects that involve designing and implementing cloud solutions. This could involve building and deploying applications, setting up networking and security, or migrating existing workloads to the cloud.
  1. Third year and beyond:
  • Continue to expand your technical skills and knowledge of cloud technologies. This could involve learning new programming languages, tools, and frameworks that are relevant to cloud development and operations.
  • Seek out opportunities to take on leadership roles or mentor junior team members. This could involve leading projects, driving technical decisions, or sharing your knowledge and experience with others.

As you progress in your career, it will be important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in cloud technologies and best practices and to continually learn and adapt as the field evolves.

Suggestion to read : – Unlocking the Future: Your Guide to Becoming an AI Engineer in 2023

Why is cloud computing a promising career field for freshers?

Cloud computing is a promising career field for freshers due to its rapid growth and increasing demand in the IT industry. It offers a wide range of job opportunities, competitive salaries, and the chance to work with cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of computing

What are some career opportunities available in cloud computing for freshers?

Some exciting career opportunities in cloud computing for freshers include:
Cloud Solutions Architect
Cloud Security Specialist
DevOps Engineer
Cloud Data Engineer
Cloud Support Engineer

What does a Cloud Solutions Architect do?

A Cloud Solutions Architect designs and oversees the implementation of cloud-based solutions for businesses. They analyze business requirements, select appropriate cloud technologies, and create architectural designs that ensure scalability, reliability, and security in the cloud environment.

What are the responsibilities of a Cloud Security Specialist?

A Cloud Security Specialist focuses on ensuring the security and compliance of cloud infrastructure and applications. They assess security risks, implement security measures, monitor for vulnerabilities, and develop strategies to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

What does a DevOps Engineer do in the cloud computing field?

A DevOps Engineer combines development and operations expertise to streamline software development and deployment processes in the cloud. They automate infrastructure provisioning, manage code repositories, and optimize continuous integration and deployment pipelines for efficient and reliable software delivery.

What skills and qualifications are important for a career in cloud computing?

Important skills and qualifications for a career in cloud computing include knowledge of cloud platforms (such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), programming skills (such as Python or Java), understanding of networking concepts, familiarity with security practices, and problem-solving abilities.

How can freshers prepare for a career in cloud computing?

Freshers can prepare for a career in cloud computing by gaining relevant certifications (e.g., AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner), participating in online courses or training programs, working on personal cloud projects, and seeking internships or entry-level positions to gain practical experience.

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