Master New Skills for Free: 10 Top Online Courses by World-Renowned Universities

Yale University- The Science Of Well-Being

Yale's science of happiness, now online: actionable tools, emotion tracking, and a path to true fulfillment.

Go global with your career: University of Penn & US Dept. of State's English mastery course for job seekers.

University of Pennsylvania-English For career development

University of Chicago- Understanding The Brain

Unravel the brain's mysteries: Explore how it works, shapes you, and solves problems - beginner-friendly

Princeton university-Algorith Course

Unlock your coding potential: Dive into data structures & algorithms, perfect for aspiring programmers.

University of Toronto- Introduction to Psychology.

Dive deeper into the mind: Explore fascinating experiments on memory, attention, and perception in this contemporary psychology course.

University of Michigan Ann Arbor- Programming

Start coding with confidence: Python 3 for beginners with basic computer skills.

Imperial College London- Mathematics for Machine Learning- Linear Algebra

From math to magic: Learn linear algebra to solve real-world problems with machine learning.

University of California San Diego- Algorithmic Toolbox

Code with confidence: Dive into algorithms & conquer tasks like sorting data in this introductory course.

Cornell University- Engineering Simulation

From models to solutions: Master ANSYS for real-world engineering applications (built on Calculus & matrix algebra).

Duke University- Programming foundations 

From ideas to websites: Learn programming & web development (HTML, CSS, JS) in this hands-on course.